Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani : Selected Bibliography

Writings of Afg̲h̲āni

Books and collections of articles:
ḥaqīqat-I Mazhab-i Nicari va Bayan-i Hal-i Nicaryan, (Perssian)

First edition – Hyderabad, 1298/1881; Later editions – Bombay,
Muḥarram, 1298/1881; Bombay, z̲īqa‘dah, 1298/1881; Tehran, 1303 Soalr/1924-25. In Murtaz̤ā Mudarrisi Cahārdihi, ārā wa Mu‘taqadāt-i Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Tehran, 1337/1958-59.


Shaik̲h̲ Muḥammad ‘Abduh, Risālah fi Ibt̤āl Maz̲hab al-Dahrīyīn va Bayān Mafāsidihim v I_sbāt anna al-Dīn Asās al-Madanīyah v‘l-Kufr Fasād al-‘Umrān, Beirut, 1303/1885-86.
—–Al-Radd ‘ala al-Dahrīy~īn, another edition of the above with a preface by ‘U_smān Amīn, 2nd edition, Cairo, 1955.

In Nikki R. Keddie, An Islamic Response to Imperialism: Political and Religious Writings of Sayyid Jamāl ad-Dīn “al-Afghāni”, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1968.

A.M. Goichon, Refutation des Materialistes, Paris, 1942

‘Aziz Akpinarli, Tabiatci‘ligi Red, Ankara, 1956. An earlier unpublished translation was made by Munir Effendi of Damascus and was seen and approved by Afg̲h̲āni. Cf. Orient, vol. 12, Leiden, 1959, pp. 201-2.

Radd-i Nīcarīyat, Lahore, n.d.
Maqālāt-i Jamālīyah, (Persian). First edition – compiled by ‘Abd al-g̲h̲af~ur Shahbāz al-Bihāri, Calcutta, 1884, with the permission of Afg̲h̲āni. A collection of Persian
articles written during his Indian visit and published in Indian journals,
especially Mu‘allim-i Shafīq (Hyderabad). Later edition – compiled by Mirzā Lut̤fullah k̲h̲ān Asadābādi and edited by Mirzā ṣifātullāh Khān Jamāli, Tehran, 1312 Solar/1933-34.Contains additional articles besides those included in the above edition.

Urdu translation of the Tehran edition:
Sayyid Mubārizuddīn Rif‘at, Maqālāt-i Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Hyderabad, 1944. It wrongly ascribes certain couplets to Afg̲h̲āni (pp. 260-67). Their author is Mirzā āqā k̲h̲ān Kirmāni, the well-known Iranian nationalist. Cf. TBI, pp. 140ff.

Al-‘Urvah al-Vuṣqā, la‘nfiṣām lahā: Le Lien Indissoluble, Paris. co -editted with Muḥammad ‘Abduh. First issue appeared on 15th Jumādā 1301 A.H./13th March, 1884, and the last issue on 26th z̲u‘l-ḥijj, 1301 A.H./17th October, 1884. In all, eighteen issues were published. Published in one volume: 1st edition, Beirut, 1328 A.H./1920. Contains brief life-sketches of Afg̲h̲āni and ‘Abduh by Muṣt̤afā ‘Abd al-Rāziq. Later, published several times. Latest edition, Cairo, 1958. Reproduced in Ta‘rīkh, ii, pp. 215 et seq.

Urdu translations of selected articles:

Sayyid Mubārizuddīn Rif‘at, Maqālāt-i Jamāl al-Dīn Afghāni, 1st edition, Hyderabad, 1946; 2nd edition, Karachi, 1952.

Muḥammad ‘Abd al-Qudd~us Qāsimi, Maz̤āmīn-i Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Lahore, n.d.

Tatimmah al-Bayān fi Ta‘rīk̲h̲ al-Afg̲h̲ān, edited and published by ‘Ali Yusuf al-Kiridli, Cairo, 1901.

Urdu translation:

Maḥm~ud ‘Ali k̲h̲ān, Ta‘rīkh-i Afg̲h̲ānistān, Lahore, circa 1342 A. H./1923. Introduction contains certain important information about Afg̲h̲āni’s life.

Al-Vaḥdat al-Islāmīyah, Cairo, 1352/1933. Reproduced from al-‘Urvah.

Al-Qaz̤ā v’l Qadar, Egypt, n.d. Reroduced from al-‘Urvah.

Iraj Afshār and Aṣghar Mahdavi, Documents inedits concernant Seyyed Jamāl-al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni (Majm~u‘eh-yi asnād va madārik-i-chāp nashudeh dar bāreh-yi Sayyid Jamāl ad-Dīn mashh~ur bi Afghāni), Tehran, 1963. Contains a catalogue of Afg̲h̲a~ni’s personal papers, left by him in Tehran in 1891.

Muḥammad Ikrām Caghtāī, (Compiled), Majmu’ah Sayyid Jamāl al-Din Afg̲h̲āni, Lahore, 2006. Contains Urdu translations of select Persian and Arabic articles, Tārīk̲h̲-i Afg̲h̲~nistan and ḥaqiqat-i Maz̲hab-i Nicariyān, besides some articles written on Afg̲h̲āni.

Articles published in journals


Al-ḥuk~umah al-Istibdādīyah,” Miṣr, 11, 33, Feb. 15, 1879; re-printed in āl-Manār, Cairo, 111, Rajab 11, 1318/Nov. 4, 1900pp. 577-582, Rajab 21, 1318/Nov. 14, 1900, pp. 601-607. Eng. Tr.

L.M. Kenny, “Al-Afghāni on Types of Despotic Government,” Journal of the American Oriental Society, 86, 1, 1966.

Al-Sharq v‘l-Sharīqiyīn”, Abu Nazzara Zarqā, Paris, VII, Feb. 2, 1883. Urdu tr. ā_sār, pp. 193-205.

Falsafah al-Tarbīyah,” and “Falsafah al-ṣanā‘a,” Miṣr, Alexandria, Jumādā 5, 1296/April 25, 1879; reproduced in Ta‘rīkh, ii, pp. 1-14.

Al-Siyāsah al-Injlīzīyah fi al-Mamālik al-Sharqīyah,” and “Asbāb al-ḥarb bi Miṣr,”al-Manār, XXV, March 25, 1925, pp. 756-760. Reprinted from Tatimmah.

Al-‘Illah al-ḥaqīqīyah li Sa‘ādah al-Insān,” Miṣr, 11, 20, Nov. 15, 1878. Reprinted in al-Manār, XXIII, Jan. 28, 1922, pp. 37-45.

Bāb,” in But̤rus al-Bustāni, Dā‘irah al-Ma‘ārif, Beirut, 1881.


An Afghan on the English,” The Bee/al-Naḥla, London, Dec. 15, 1878.

The Reign of Terror in Persia,” Contemporary Review, Feb., 1892.


Response ā Renan”: A letter originally written in Arabic, the text not available. French translation, Journal des Debats, May 18, 1883. Reprinted in A.M. Goichon, op. cit. Important passages translated in English, Muhammad Hamidullah, Islamic Review, London, May-June, 1958, pp. 33 et seq; Biography, pp. 189-195. A summary in Arabic, Zu‘amā, pp. 89-93.

Lettre Sur l‘Hindoustan”, l‘Intransigeant, Paris, April 24, 1883. Reprinted in Elie Kedourie, Afg̲h̲āni and ‘Abduh: An Essay on Religious Unbelief and Political Activism in Modern Islam, London, 1966.

Le Mahdi,” L‘Intransigeant, Paris, Dec. 8, 11, 17, 1883. Reprinted in Elie Kedourie, op. cit.

Pages peu connues de Djamal ad-Din al-Afghani”, tr. Mehdi Hendessi, Orient, 6, 1958.

Pages Choisies de Djamal ad-Din al-Afg̲h̲āni,” tr. M. Colombe, Orient, 21-24, 1962; 25, 1963.

Les Anglais en Egypte,” La Justice, Paris, March 27, 1883.



‘Abd al-Fattāḥ, Muḥammad ḥasan, Ashhar Mashāhīr Udabā‘ al-Sharq, Vol. II, Egypt, 1303 A.H..

‘Abduh, Muḥammad, Foreword to the Arabic translation of Afg̲h̲āni’s Persian treatise on the refutation of materialists, Cairo, n.d.

Adīb Isḥāq, al-Durar, Beirut, 1909

āghā Buzurg al-Tehrāny, t̤abaqāt A‘lām al-Shī‘ah, Najaf, 1373A.H../ 1954 A.D..

Aḥmad Amīn, Zu‘amā‘ al-Iṣlā|ḥ fi ‘Aṣr al-ḥadī_s, Cairo, 1947.

‘Anhori, Salīm Effendi, Sehr Hār~ut, Damascus, 1303 A.H../ 1885 A.D..

Aṣma‘i, āṣār Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afg̲h̲āni, Egypt, 1901.

Farīd Wajdi, Dā‘irah al-Ma‘ārif al-Islāmīyah, vol. 7., No. 3, Cairo 1906.

Madk~ur, ‘Abd al-Salām, Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afg̲h̲āni, Bā‘iṣ al-Nuhz̤adah al-Fikrīyah fi‘l-Sharq, Cairo, 1937.

Maḥm~ud Qāsim, Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afg̲h̲āni, ḥayātuhu va Falsaftuhu, Egypt, n.d.

Al-Mag̲h̲ribi, ‘Abd al-Qādir, Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afg̲h̲āni, Egypt.

Mak̲h̲z~umi, Muḥammad Pāsha, k̲h̲āt̤irāt Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afg̲h̲āni al-ḥusaini, Bā‘i_s al-Nuz̤ahat al-Islāmiyah fi‘l-Sharq, Bierut, 1931

Muṣt̤afā ‘Abd al-Rāziq, Preface to al-‘Urvah al-Vu_sqā, Cairo, 1928.

Al-Najjār, ‘Abd al-ḥalīm, Maz̲āhib al-Tafsīr al-Islāmi, translation of Goldziher’s Die Richtungen der Islamischen Koranauslegung, Egypt, 1374 A.H./1955 A.D.

Qadari Qal‘aji, Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afg̲h̲āni, 2nd ed., Beirut, 1952.

Al-Qaṣṣāb, ‘Abd al-Muḥsin, z̲ikr al-Afg̲h̲āni fil-‘Irāq, Baghdad, 1945.

Al-Rāfi‘i, ‘Abd al-Raḥmān, ‘Aṣr Ismā‘īl, vol. 2., Cairo, 1932.

Rāif k̲h̲ouri, al-Fikr al-‘Arabi al-ḥadī_s, Beirut, 1943.

Rashīd Ri|dā, Ta‘rīkh al-Usta_d al-Imām al-Shaik̲h̲ Muḥammad ‘Abduh, vol. 1, Cairo, 1931, vol. 11, Cairo 1344 A.H.

–, Tafsīr al-Qur‘ān al-ḥakīm, vol. 4, 3rd edn., Cairo, 1365 A.H., p. 280; vol. 5, 1st edn., 1328 A.H., p. 177.

Shakeb Arsalān, ḥāz̤ir al-‘ālam al-Islāmi, vol. 1, Cairo. 1342 A.H.
Zaidān, Jurji, Tarājim Mashāhīr al-Sharq fi al-Qarn al-Tāsi‘ ‘Ashr, vol. 11, 3rd edn., Cairo 1932.


Furṣat al-Dawleh Shirāzi, Dīvān-i Furṣat, Tehran, 1338 Solar.

I‘timād al-Salt̤anat, Muḥammad ḥasan k̲h̲~ān, Al-Ma‘ā_sir v‘l-ā_sār, Tehran, 1306 A.H./ 1881-89 A.D.

Murtaz̤a Mudarrisi Cahārdihi, Zindagāni v Falsafah-i Ijtimā‘i v Siyāsi-ye Syed Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, 1334 Solar.

Ara v Mu‘taqadāt Seyd Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Tehran, 1337 A. H.

k̲h̲āt̤irāt Syed Jamāl al-Dīn Asadābādi, Ma‘r~uf beh Afg̲h̲āni (tr. Of Khat̤irāt Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghāni al-ḥusaini, by Muḥammad Pāshā Mak̲h̲z~umi), Tabriz, 1328 Solar.

Nāz̤im al-Islām Kirmāni, Ta‘rīk̲h̲ Bedāri-ye Irāniyān, Iran, n.d.

Shaik̲h̲ Muḥammad Maḥallāti g̲h̲arawi, Guftār-i k̲h̲ush-i Yār Quli, Najaf, 1340 A.H.

ṣifātullāh Jamāli Asadābādi, Isnād v Madārik Irāni al-Aṣl Budan Syed Jamāl al-Dīn Asadābādi, Tehran, n.d.

Yaḥyā Dawlatābādi, ḥayāt-i Yaḥyā, Tehran, n.d.


Abdu al-‘Ali, M, ḥayāt Nāṣiruddīn Shāh-i Irān, Delhi, 1897.

‘Abdu al-g̲h̲affār, Qāz̤i Muḥammad, ā_sār-i Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Delhi, 1940
— –, Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Delhi, 1932.

Barni, z̤iyā al-Dīn Aḥmad, Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, 1st edn., Delhi, 1924; 2nd edn., Karachi, 1954.

Nawāb z̲u‘l- Qadr Jang Bahādur, Syed Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Hyderabad, 1940. The article is included in Maqām-i Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni.

Qāsimi, ‘Abd al-Qudd~us, Maz̤āmīn-i Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Lahore, n.d.

Qāz̤i Aḥmad Miyān Ak̲h̲tar J~unāgaṛhi, ‘Ilm aur Islam, translation of the lectures of M. Mismir and Ernest Renan on Islam and Science, from the original French, Azamgarh, 1934.

Rif‘at, Syed Mubāriz al-Dīn, Maqālāt-i Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Urdu translation of Afg̲h̲āni’s treatise on the materialists and certain articles of al-‘Urvah, Karachi, 1952.

Maqām-i Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, collection of articles on Afghāni’s life and mission by distinguished Indian scholars, Karachi, 1948.

Riz̤ā Hamadāni, Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Lahore, 1956.

|Zafar ‘Ali k̲h̲ān, Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni, Lahore, n.d. This article is included in Maqām-i-Jamāl al-Dīn Afg̲h̲āni.

|Zafar ‘Umar, Mustaqbil-i Islām, tr. of the third chapter of, Western Culture in Eastern Lands, by A. Vambery, Agra, 1910.


Abdul Hamid, Khwaja, Ibn Miskawaih, A Study of his Al-Fauz al-Asghar, Lahore, 1946.

Adams, C.C., Islam and Modernism in Egypt, London, 1933.

Ahmad, Aziz, Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment, Oxford, 1964.

Ameer Ali, The Spirit of Islam, London, 1953.

Amin, ‘Uthman, Muhammad ‘Abduh, Washington, 1953.

Antonious, George, The Arab Awakening, London, 1945.

Baljon, J.M.S., The Reforms and Religious Ideas of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Leiden, 1949.

Blunt,Wilfrid Scawen, Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt, Being Personal

Narrative of Events, London, 1907.

— —, India under Ripon: A Private Diary, London, 1909.

— —, Gordon at Khartoum, London, 1912.

— —, My Diaries, Being a Personal Narrative of Events, 1888-1890, London, 1932.
Browne, E.G., Materials for the Study of the Bābi Religion, Cambridge,1908.

— —, The Press and Poetry of Modern Persia,Cambridge, 1914.

— —,The Persian Revolution, Cambridge, 1910.

— —,The Persian Constitutional Movement, London, 1918.

— —, A Year Amongst the Persians, Cambridge, 1927.

— —, Literary History of Persia, 2 vols., London, 1951-52.

Burry, J.B., A History of Greece, London,1956.

Donaldson, D.M., Studies in Muslim Ethics, London, 1953.

Edib, Khalide, Conflict of East and West in Turkey, Lahore, 1935.

Fazlur Rahman, Prophecy in Islam: Philosophy and Othodoxy, London, 1958.

Fern, Vergilius, An Encyclopaedia of Religion, London, 1956.

Ferriman, Duckett, Turkey and the Turks, London,1911.

Gibb, H.A.R., Modern Trends in Islam, Chicago, 1945.

— —, Whither Islam, London, 1932.

Graham, C.F.L., Life and Works of Syed Ahmad Khan, London, 1885.

Heyd, Uriel, Foundations of Turkish Nationalism, London, 1950.

Heyworth-Dunne, James, Religious and Political Trends in Modern Egypt, Washington, 1950.

Holt, P.M. Lambton, K.S., and Lewis, Bernard, The Cambridge History of Islam, Vol., 2B, Cambridge, 1970.

Hutchinson, William G., The Poetry of Celtic Races, London, 1896.

Iqbal, Muhammad, Six Lectures on the Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Oxford, 1934.

Karpet, Kemal H., Turkey’s Politics, The Transition to a Multiparty System, Princeton, 1959.

Keddie, Nikki R., An Islamic Response to Imperialism: Political and Religious Writings of Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghāni, Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1968.

— —, Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn ‘al-Afghāni’, A Political Biography, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1972.

Kedourie, Elie, Afg̲h̲āni and ‘Abduh, An Essay on Religious Unbelief and Political Activism in

Modern Islam, London, 1966.

Lambton, Ann K.S., Secret Societies and the Persian Revolution of 1905-06, New York, 1959.

Landau, Jacob M., Parliament and Parties in Egypt, Tel-Aviv, 1953.

Layard, Austin Henry, Nineveh and its Remains, vol. 11, London, 1849.

Levy, Reuben, The Social Structure of Islam, Cambridge, 1957.

Mahmudul Haq, Muhammad ‘Abduh: A Study of a Modern Thinker of Egypt, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1970.

Molt, J.R., The Muslim World of Today, London, 1925.

Nejla Izzeddin, The Arab World, Chicago, 1953.

Nuseibeh, The Ideas of Arab Nationalism, New York, 1956.

Palgrave, W.G., Essays on Eastern Questions, London, 1872.

Ramasaur, E.E., Young Turks, Prelude to the Revolution of 1908, New Jersey, 1957.

Sharif, M.M., ed., A History of Muslim Philosophy, Wiesbaden, 1963, 1966, 2 vols.

Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, Islam in Modern History, Princeton, 1957.

Stodard, Lothrop, The New World of Islam, New York, 1921.

Thilly, Frank, A History of Greek Philosophy, New York, 1948.

Vambery, A., Western Culture in Eastern Lands, London, 1906.

Watt, W. Montgomery, Free Will and Predestination in Early Islam, London, 1948., The Faith and Practice of al-Ghazali, Cambridge, 1957.

Zenkousky, Serge A., Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia, Cambridge, 1960.